The two faces of Janus: Traditional & Olympic Fencing
This evening I am here sitting on my desk, listening at old Italian songs of the 70-80's, and drinking such a wonderful glass of brunello...
Memories: First Nova Scrimia National Stick Fencing Tournaments in 2003 - Masters and Athletes
From the Top left Masters (not all): Ermanno Zannini, Roberto Girlanda, Alessandro Malato, Angelo Sanna, Claudio Lovercio, Marco Quarta,...
Seminar on Rondelle Dagger of Flos Duellatorum
Workshop of Salle of Arms Fencing Club Scherma Leonessa ASD on the grappling and combat system with "daga a rondella" (Rondelle Dagger)...
Saber and Stick Dueling Fencing @ Baki Scherma
A short clip from a training session at Baki Scherma - NOVA SRIMIA Sala d'Armi. Sciabola da terreno (Dueling Saber) and Scherma di...