Italian Stick Fencing Seminar @ San Rafael - California
Sunday November 15th - 2:00 to 5:00 pm Seminar on Italian one handed stick fencing - by Marco Quarta - Nova Scrimia @ Lavin MMA - 655...
Official Trailer - "Secrets of Apulian Martial Arts"
@ relased the official trailer of the upcoming documentary: "Secrets of Apulian Martial Arts"
Dueling Saber (Sciabola da Terreno) First Season Tournament - Results
First SeasonTournament circuit SISMA - FIS Woman and Man tournaments 18/10/2015 Dueling Saber (Sciabola da terreno) Woman - Results:...
The Sicilian "Scuola Ruotata" of Grand Master Carmelo Tangona
Grand Master Carmelo Tangona , Head Master of the Sicilian School "Figli dell'Etna" (Riposto, Catania, Italy) of the traditional stick...
Released the short video teaser of the Documentary on Apulian Martial Arts
more info @
New Classes at DEMAS - San Francisco Bay Area
New Classes of Abracar and Stick Fencing @ the beautiful DEMAS - Devenriche European Martial Arts - Sword Fighting School. Proudly...
Western Martial Arts Workshop 2015, Chicago, USA
My dear friends Greg Mele, Nicole Allen, John O'Meara's and their team, leaders of the Chicago Swordplay Guild, did it again! Yes, we are...
We are proud to announce the official launching of our new initiative: SECRETS OF APULIAN MARTIAL ARTS - The Documentary this is the...
Sicilian Martial Arts - the Paranza of Grand Master Raffaele Irmino
I already started to introduce some of the martial arts of Apulia, and I will return to this soon. Today, to continue with our series on...
Historical Sword Fencing Tournaments Calendar - Season 2015-2016
Preliminary Calendar with the schedule for the tournaments (SISMA circuit) for the season 2015-2016 All competitions will take place at...