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Italian Classic Fencing

Dueling Sabre

- sciabola da terreno -

Baroffio Gaetano, 1872, Milan - Lithography from Settimo Del Frate

A trademark of the Italian styles of fence is the emphasis on the point over cutting, which has been stressed since the time of the Roman legions: the legionaries used to laugh at enemies who cut or slashed with their swords. The base of most Italian Systems is fencing and many methods of stick fighting use the same techniques and movements used when fencing with swords. Therefore, if a practitioner trains with the stick or baton, he would also become proficient with the sword. Examples of this are Canne Italiana and Bastone da Passeggio (walking stick), which uses the moves and techniques of the duelling sabre (sciabola da terreno) and Bastone Italiano, where the moves comes from fencing with the two-handed sword (Spadone a Due Mani). Most methods have one thing in common: practitioners don protective sport fencing masks and padded clothing and practice with blunt training blades, since live sparring is of critical importance in the training routine. A very important characteristics of Italian Martial Arts is that they originated from battlefield or gladiatorial combat experience.  (source - Wikipedia).

Siabola da terreno differs from modern Sabre in many ways, although, they share a similar "genome" in common. 


Italian Dueling Sabre is mostly straight or whith a mininal curvature, while the more curved sabres indified more a use for chivalry (to prevent the blade to get stuck while riding the horse and striking a target moving at high speed). 





Siabola da terreno differs from modern Sabre in many ways, although, they share a similar "genome" in common. 


Italian Dueling Sabre is mostly straight or whith a mininal curvature, while the more curved sabres indified more a use for chivalry (to prevent the blade to get stuck while riding the horse and striking a target moving at high speed). 





Main Authors​ used in our method


Parise - Trattato teorico-pratico della scherma di spada e sciabola, preceduto da un cenno storico sulla scherma e sul duello. Roma, 1888, Tipografia Nazionale, Approvato dal Ministero della Guerra e della Marina.


Masiello - "La scherma italiana di spada e di sciabola", Firenze, 1887.


Enrichetti - Trattato elementare teorico-pratico di scherma, opera originale di Cesare Enrichetti, Maestro Capo e Direttore di Scherma alla Scuola Centrale di Parma. Parma, 1871, dalla tipografia editrice di Pietro Grazioli, St, S. Lucia, n. 15.


Cerri - 'Trattalo teorico-pratico della scherma, per sciabola del maestro Giuseppe Cerri.'' Milano, 1861, tip. Francesco Vallardi


De Frate - Istruzione pel maneggio e scherma della sciabola del capitano Settimo Del Frate — Aiutante Maggiore nei Cavalleggieri di Monferrato. Milano, 1869, litografia Gaetano Baroffio — Via della Sala.


Del Frate - Istruzione per la scherma di sciabola e di spada del professore Giuseppe Radaelli scritta d'ordine del Ministero della Guerra, dal capitano Settimo Del Frate. Milano, 1872, litografìa Gaetano Baroffio.





Nova Scrimia private collection - M. Quarta ex libris

M.o Masaniello Parise, 1880

Nova Scrimia private collection - M. Quarta ex libris

Nova Scrimia private collection - M. Quarta ex libris

Sciabola da terreno - Nova Scrimia Class - En Garde Fencing Academy - Santa Rosa, Ca, USA - 2016

Sciabola da terreno - Nova Scrimia Tournament - Verona, Italy - 2010

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