VISS 2015
Last March,- Vancouver hosted once again the bi-annual International Swordplay Symposium (VISS). A beutifully organized event where people from all over the world join in this gathering with top class instructors and pratictioners of western martial arts. Organized by Academie Duello, a woderful fencing academy of Italian Martial Arts, right downtown Vancouver, VISS 2015 was a succesful event. For me this was the second year, and I was once again impressed by the spirit of all the enthisuast attenting, the level and quality of practice and research, the skills of the students. In particular, despide the presence of diffrent schools, academies and methods coming from different parts of Canada, USA and Europe, what you could breath and share was a sincere atmosphere of collegial and common pratice in Western Martial Arts. Everyone attented with elgance, gentleman (and woman) attidute, professionality, serious practice. The levele of classes were all very high, rich, interesting. I took the chance to follow most of them, moving between several classes that intensively run in parallel during the three days symposium, and anyone of the intructors of the many topics was a pleasant and riche class, with deep focus on different aspect of the arts. I hppe that the three Nova Scrimia classes I gave were stimulating and inspiring for the students who participated as much as they were to me. I certianly enjoyed to work with so many entuhsiast people. The location was magnificent: the Symposium was hosted by the Vancouver Masonic Center, that open their secretive doors for the ofr time to outsider. I highly recomend to join next time at VISS 2017. Congratulations to Devon Boorman and his talented and professional team. I personally found old and new friends, great martial artists and researchers of Italian and western martial arts. Tanto di cappello! More info at
In the image above, group picture taken at the Instructor Summit, that took place two days before the Symposium. Two intense days characterized by sharing, good food and drink, and wonderful spirit. I came back home pleased to see that Western Martial Arts are growing and maturing in the right Way.