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Stick Arts - Special Edition of the Immersion Review

The Immersion Review Vol 1:2 is live.

Gracing the cover are JDP's Mestre Avelina and Indian Lathi's Asaan Mahesh Kumar. To the best of knowledge this is the first time these arts are being showcased on any MA magazine cover.

This issue of the journal has 13 papers (including the editorial). Over 220 pages of pure content, stunning color pictures and no ads. The Review has been dormant through the pandemic for a whole variety of reasons, but the labor of love is back with bang.

This historic collection include's:

Stevan Plinck's " The staff in Pentjak Silat Sera" Mahesh Kumar's "The Indian Lathi" Toby Cowern's "Branching Out" Jigaba Bwaira's "Stick fighting in Maguzawa?hausa and Zulu cultures" Jorge Prina's Bonofont Argentine Cane Combat System" Pedro Silva's "JDP and the difference between Duelling and Group Combat" Vincent Tamer's "Strife and Folklore - Discovering the rural fighting art of Jogo Do Pau" Marco Quarta's "The italian Stick FIghting Tradition: A journey from the Middle Ages to the Contemporary Era" TJ Obi's "Grima: the Venezolano Modereno Style" JC Cabiero The Pure Art of Angel Cabales" Bethany Dillon's The War Club in Native American Warrior Arts" HR Vilaire's "The Art of Jo Jutsu" M Ryan and M Lunia " Traditional and Modern: False Dichotomies"

This issue we have both a read online and downloadable version of The Immersion Review. You can NOW BUY both online ($18) or downloadable ($36) version of the journal. The downloadable version has been made possible based many requests.

BUY NOW the online only

BUY NOW the downloadable version

Please do consider sharing this and helping us get the word out on this labor of love.



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