Scherma di spada - Sword Fencing
From medieval to modern sword fencing
One and half hand sword
Historical Combat Fencing
Girlanda nd Proietti
Sword and dagger tournament
Final: Zannini vs Chiaramnote
Tournament at Accademia Romana d'Armi - Roma - 2009
One and half hand sword
Stage of medieval sword - Zevio 2012
Galvani, Girlanda and Proietti
Dueling Sword and Dagger
Spratico (free sparring)
Galvani and Chiaramonte
Hall of fame @ Valencia 2012
Nova Scrimia combat demonstrations:
dagger, sword one hand and half, stick assaults
Sword and dagger
Thrusting only - free assault
First Experimentations in Scherma Combat - 2007
Tests gears and regulaitons in scherma combat - FIS Oympic historical fencing
Spada da terreno - Duelling Sword
Classical fencing
Sean Heyes (guest from USA) and Gianluca Zannini
Spada a Doi Mani
Class - Fundamentals: Medieval Italian Long Sword (one and half handed)